Your Guide to Participating in Tree Planting Initiatives in the UK

Tree Planting UK

The Amazon rainforest is often referred to as the lungs of our planet because of the amount of oxygen it produces, supporting all life around it and playing a vital role in the survival of life on Earth.

Although we know this, we somehow still see that rainforests and green spaces (including ancient trees all over the world) are cut down, without us having any say in the matter.

Whilst this needs to stop and stop soon, this leaves us with a lot of work to do in order to restore what we have already lost. 

5 Reasons Why We Need to Plant More Trees

Benefits of Trees

Trees are vital to life on earth, and they also make the place look amazing! So let’s take some time to look into what’s beneath the surface of these ancient plants and discover just how great they truly are. 

What do they do for us? 

What do they do for the planet? 

Read on to find out the answers to these questions and discover the top 5 reasons we need to plant more trees on planet Earth.

Are Bamboo Straws Eco-Friendly?

Bamboo straws have become a firm favourite in the sustainability community over recent years, and for a good reason. But with greenwashing prominent and companies looking to make products cheaply and quickly, it is important we always first ask the question, are bamboo straws eco-friendly? Or is there more to consider than what’s shown on the surface level?